Your downline
To become rich in network marketing, you need a team. You need frontline distributors who become successful and who train their own down partners, who train their down partners, etc.
When you're new, how do you build a team and keep them together? The same principles will apply to experienced network marketers, but for those who need some advice:
1. Lead by example. Let's say your downline understands that they need to invite and recruit in order to thrive but they don't take action. Make sure you are taking action. Invite your prospects to meetings and rallies. Your downline will see you surrounded by prospects and realize that they too need to start making invitations. If your downline sees you facing rejection in order to get prospects the message, they are more likely to do the same.
This is the key to success in network marketing: do you have the courage to get your message heard by large numbers of people?
2. Compliment your downline. When they do something well, let them know. Humans need to be encouraged.
3. Don't criticize your downline. By all means help them fix their mistakes, but ideally you are someone they come to for answers without fear of being judged.
With any luck these suggestions help you build a structured organization of people trying succeed together. Even new distributors who rely on their upline for training can use these techniques to keep their budding organizations together. Even if they consider your upline the experts and get all training from your upline, your downline can accept you as a sponsor and even a leader if they see you studying the business, studying the products, and spreading the message while keeping the team together with a positive attitude.
When you're new, how do you build a team and keep them together? The same principles will apply to experienced network marketers, but for those who need some advice:
1. Lead by example. Let's say your downline understands that they need to invite and recruit in order to thrive but they don't take action. Make sure you are taking action. Invite your prospects to meetings and rallies. Your downline will see you surrounded by prospects and realize that they too need to start making invitations. If your downline sees you facing rejection in order to get prospects the message, they are more likely to do the same.
This is the key to success in network marketing: do you have the courage to get your message heard by large numbers of people?
2. Compliment your downline. When they do something well, let them know. Humans need to be encouraged.
3. Don't criticize your downline. By all means help them fix their mistakes, but ideally you are someone they come to for answers without fear of being judged.
With any luck these suggestions help you build a structured organization of people trying succeed together. Even new distributors who rely on their upline for training can use these techniques to keep their budding organizations together. Even if they consider your upline the experts and get all training from your upline, your downline can accept you as a sponsor and even a leader if they see you studying the business, studying the products, and spreading the message while keeping the team together with a positive attitude.
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