Network marketing blog

Information on network marketing, also known as multi level marketing

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Be, do, have

When people set goals, they generally think about things they want to have. For example I want to have a home in Rome, a home in New York, a home in Seoul, and the emans and time to travel freely between them. This is one of the first things you need to do when starting your own business - write down your goals. What do you want to have?

Then people begin to see how this works. The next question - What do you have to do to achieve those goals? I have to earn money through my job and my business, invest it wisely, and make smart decisions when buying my real estate.

The final question is usally the most difficult to answer - Who do you need to be to do what you ahve to do? Here beginning network marketers will need the help of their sponsors. Certain books can be helpful here too as this stuff needs to be taken in several times.

Without giving readers a complete training session, I can give an example and it's obvious yet often overlooked. You ahve to be someone who gets things done (specifically those things you ahve to do to achieve your goals).

Imagine the network marketer who has to expand his/her network to achieve their goals. In order to exapnd the network they should tell people about the business opportunity their system offers. However, the network marketer doesn't feel like telling a certain Aunt because she may judge the network marketer.

A network marketer who gives in to this fear of being judged will not share the business opportunity and is less likely to create a large network. To be sucessful, network marketers need to be people who face their fears.

This could be summed up: If doing something will help you achieve your goals, do it (even if you don't feel like doing it). Network marketers should be that kind of person. Within reason of course. Don't do something that is unsustainable; don't do something that will make you quit.

My wife recently agve a demonstration to a housewife with kids. What should have been a 90 minute demonstration took several hours as my wife had to fend off the crazy kids, one of whom tried to strangle my wife (not with murderous intent one presumes but just because the kid thought it was a game does not make more pleasant). I told my wife that we shouldn't do business with these people (unless they agreed to meet us without the kids which seemed unlikely) depsite the fact that they wanted to place an order (and probably would have liked the products enough to recommend them to others, maybe even building her own business). But she didn't discipline the children and they behaved like monsters. We can't build our business surrounded by people who stress us out. My point is that while we don't let fear dictate who we share information with, we still choose who we share our time with.

So remember to set your goals, list what needs to be done to achieve them, and determine (you should seek help here) who you have to be to get done what needs to be done. One of the things you need to be be is willing to face your fears of being judged and another is willing to do things you don't feel like doing (within reason).