Network marketing blog

Information on network marketing, also known as multi level marketing

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Communication tools for effective communication

1. Know what you want to say

What is your message? You have to have total command of your message. If you walk into a situation at a loss for words it's because you didn't plan what you need to say.

2. Say it

Never leave a business meeting without delivering your message. Don't let unexpected questions get you diverted from your message.

3. Know when to shut up

Deliver your message and then stop talking. If you were clear the other person will be smart enough to make a decision.

4. Make your message clear and concise

The first tool is about knowing your message. This one is about knowing how to say waht you need to say clearly. You could try delivering your message into a voice recorder and then playing it. How do you sound? Do you ramble?

5. Make your message to, for, and about people

Ask yourself "How can I make this time valuable for the listener?". If you can offer them something valuable they will like your message. What's in it for them is much much more important than what's in it for you.

6. Make your message affirmative

Talk about what you are, not what you're not. When someone asks "Are you a pyramid scheme?" You say something like "I am an honest business person and this is an honest business opportunity...." instead of "No, we're not a pyramid scheme. I'm not in jail. I'm not doing anything illegal."

7. Boost your message by illustrating, quantifying, and comparing

Illustrate with examples. Mention how many examples there are. Show how your product (or whatever) is better than others.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I just wanted to take a minute to write about how rewarding this business can be. I have a second level down partner who is making me so proud. I'm proud of her hard work and the way she has changed her life quickly.

2 months ago she was complaining. Her family didn't have enough money. Her son had skin rashes. Her husband didn't have enough energy. She was unhappy.

Now (with NuSkin and Pharmanex products) she has taken care of her son's skin and boosted her husband's energy by using the products correctly. Her group is getting larger as is her group volume. You can bet that with our compensation plan the money problems will be gone soon.

What a business! I see people succeeding and I feel good because I'm helping them do it. Mostly they help themselves, but I do everything I can for them and in our business that's enough to make lives better.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

7 tools for communicating your key message

If you are already a Nu Skin distributor, you should log in to your busines center through GWP and order the Ken Verdoia CD titled "Communicating your key messages". If not, here are 7 tools he talks about for getting your message across. They sound simple, but I know I ahve been guilty of not doing these things in the past...

1. Know what you want to say
2. Say it
3. Know when to shut up
4. Make your message clear and concise
5. Make your message to, for, and about people
6. Make your message affirmative
7. Boost your message by illustrating, quantifying, and comparing

Good stuff. I strongly recommend listening to the CD.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Pop Quiz

So our sponsor called today and said there was a quiz that must be taken before becoming an executive. Luckily my wife passed!

The questions were largely based on the compensation plan and pin titles, but the weird part was that my Korean wife (who has a Korean number) had to take the test in English and the questions talked about dollars while we get paid in Korean Won.

Now we do plenty of business in America so we know about compensation in America and my wife has great English, but I know tons of executives who don't speak any English. How did they take this test?

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Busy but not blogging

Well I ahven't been blogging much, but I have been building a successful network marketing business. It seems that nearly every demonstration is yielding results because the products are so impressive.

Our downline is growing because this business really doeas allow normal people to make extraordinary money and have fun doing it. Now everyone can have fun pampering themselves with the best supplements and skincare products, but not everyone cab have fun actively recommending these products.

But for those who love the products as much as I do and want to share them, what a great business! My wife and I get are executive pins in March and the more people we help earn their pins the more successful we become! It's nice to be rewarded for helping people (which is one reason I got into teaching) but I can't wait to retire from teaching (Well I'll volunteer to teach orphans and that sort of thing because I really do like teaching) because this semester my schedule is rough. If I hadn't made a promise I'd retire now to do the business full time with my wife...

Anyway, now that I am a sucees, I can share more and more about how to do it in this business. When you're ready to start your own send me an email. Until then keep reading my blog. I promise to be a bit more active by posting every week or so.