Fringe benefit of network marketing
One thing I like about network marketing is that you have an opportunity to meet friendly millionaires. The other day my wife and I had dinner and drinks with a millionaire from Hong Kong. It's just cool hanging out with millionaires and hearing about their lives and travels and whatnot.
I don't mean to say that millionaires are better than other people. Just that it's good to know all kinds of people; rich, poor, and average. I just never had a chance to hang out with many millionaires before I started network marketing. Of course it helps to achieve some level of success if you want to sit down with a millionair and have a few drinks - not everyone gets to do this. But at least you get a chance if you're in the right business.
I don't mean to say that millionaires are better than other people. Just that it's good to know all kinds of people; rich, poor, and average. I just never had a chance to hang out with many millionaires before I started network marketing. Of course it helps to achieve some level of success if you want to sit down with a millionair and have a few drinks - not everyone gets to do this. But at least you get a chance if you're in the right business.
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