Network marketing compensation
One common misconception about network amrketing is that only people at the "top" make money because compensation plans don't reward everyone equally.
This means that when choosing a network marketing opportunity, you need to find one that compensates everyone, especially you. That's why I like Nuskin network marketing; Everyone earns the same commission for the same success. So if a Nuskin business owner sells a bar of soap, she or he gets the same commission whether he joined Nuskin 20 years ago or 20 days ago. It's also possible for a person marketing Nuskin products to be more successful than his/her sponsor. Nuskin compensation really rewards you for recruiting people into your organization. If you create a more successful organization that your sponsor, you will make more money than your sponsor.
As always, I can help you decide if a network marketing opportunity is right for you. Email me at
This means that when choosing a network marketing opportunity, you need to find one that compensates everyone, especially you. That's why I like Nuskin network marketing; Everyone earns the same commission for the same success. So if a Nuskin business owner sells a bar of soap, she or he gets the same commission whether he joined Nuskin 20 years ago or 20 days ago. It's also possible for a person marketing Nuskin products to be more successful than his/her sponsor. Nuskin compensation really rewards you for recruiting people into your organization. If you create a more successful organization that your sponsor, you will make more money than your sponsor.
As always, I can help you decide if a network marketing opportunity is right for you. Email me at