Meeting prospects was written for web designers, but has some useful ideas that can be applied to network marketing because it's about meeting prospects. Questions discussed include:
What have I planned in advance to make the most of these sales transitions?
What, exactly, am I going to do when I end one conversation, so that the result of the next conversation is better?
When a sales process ends in a "No thank you," what will I do after that to generate another sales opportunity at a later date?
Have I organized my sales transitions?
It's worth a read.
What have I planned in advance to make the most of these sales transitions?
What, exactly, am I going to do when I end one conversation, so that the result of the next conversation is better?
When a sales process ends in a "No thank you," what will I do after that to generate another sales opportunity at a later date?
Have I organized my sales transitions?
It's worth a read.